Celebrating 30 Years of HOME | Alabama Housing Finance Authority
February 22, 2021
AHFA is celebrating 30 years of administering the HOME Investment Partnerships Program in Alabama.
HOME is a federal block grant program appropriated annually to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which in turn distributes funding to states and certain localities. AHFA was designated to administer HOME in Alabama in 1991.
For more than 30 years, HOME has proven to be one of the most effective, locally driven tools to help states and communities provide access to safe, decent, and affordable housing for low-income residents. In Alabama, HOME has helped finance 322 developments, adding 11,269 affordable rental units to our state’s housing stock.
Thank you to all of our partners who have helped make the HOME Program successful in Alabama. We look forward to continuing to provide quality affordable housing to Alabama citizens through the HOME Program.